Apricot - FLV Flavour Notes


Tested @1%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine

Tested on a Smok R200 @ 100w with a Bonza 0.14 ohm dual coil Flaptons.

Manufacturers description "True and accurate apricot flavor. It is more sour and less candy-like than our peach."


Sweet and fleshy apricot with a little juiciness

8 Days

No Change

16 Days

No change

26 Days

No change

Suggested usage

Accent 0.25% - 0.75%, Background 0.75% - 1.5%, Main 1.5%-3%.

I'd use with Fruit, Bakery, Nuts, Beverage and Cream


This is a sweet and juicy authentic apricot with a slightly fleshy mouthfeel, used low this may work to flesh out peach vapes a little, this would also work well with Oranges, at 1% there is a very slight hint of earthiness that comes and goes but would be very easily covered in a mix, as this flavour goes higher that earthy off note may increase however it doesn’t detract from the authenticity and should be manageable when mixed with stronger flavours.

Flavorah recommended usage 1%-5%


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