Berry Blend
Tested @2%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine
Tested on a VV Pulse and a RX200s @ 130w with a Bonza 0.14 ohm dual coil Flaptons.
Manufacturers description “Juicy berry punch, in high concentrations it goes towards berry jam. Can be stand alone but benefits from mixing with other notes in our opinion.”
Very light mix of berries possibly including Blackberry and Raspberry
10 day steep
Increase in strength, this is a well blended berry mix, the top notes are mix of Red berries including Raspberry, the back notes are filled in by some darker berries including Blackberry and possibly Cranberry as there seems to be a slight Cranberry tartness on the end of the vape.
This is a pretty realistic berry mix although it could be pushed into a syrup or Jam.
20 Day steep
No change.
Suggested Usage
I’d use an accent at 0.25%-0.75%, a background flavour at 0.75%-1.25%, a main note at 1.25%-2.5%.
Standalone 2.5%-4%
This will work well with other fruits, creams, custards, Bakeries and Beverage types. Due to the darker notes in this I believe it would also work well with some tobaccos.
Flavorah recommend – 0.25%-0.5%