Black Tea
Tested @1%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine
Tested on a Smok R200 @ 100w with a Bonza 0.14 ohm dual coil Flaptons.
Manufacturers description "Traditional black tea flavor."
Light black loose leaf tea taste.
8 Days
No change
16 Days
No change
26 Days
Increase in strength, no change in profile
Suggested usage
Accent 0.1% - 0.25%, Background 0.25% - 0.75%, Main 0.75%-1.5%.
I'd use with Cream, Dairy, Fruit especially darker types, Bergamot, Chai Spices, Bakery
This is a strong black loose leaf tea; this is just a regular black tea but with a touch of Bergamot could be taken towards an Earl Grey or a chai tea with the use of the right spice mix use this wherever you want a black tea base.
Flavorah recommended usage none available