Tested @8%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine
Tested on a RX200s with a Bonza 0.14 ohm dual coil Flaptons @ 130w.
Manufacturers description – None available
No cooling, I get a sweet Blackcurrant with some juiciness and a slight tartness at the end of the vape.
6 Day steep
Slight change in profile, this has now got a Candy like mouthfeel. The Blackcurrant is still slightly juicy but with that candy like mouthfeel this tastes very similar to a Blackcurrant Chewit candy.
14 Day steep
No change.
Suggested Usage
I’d use as a main note 7%-10%, Background 5%-7%, as an accent at 4%-5%. Standalone 10%-15%.
I believe this would pair well with Cooling, other candy like flavours, Fruits, Creams, light Vanillas.
Chefs Flavours recommend 10%-15%.