Blue Raspberry Cotton Candy
Tested @5%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine
Tested on a VV Pulse and a RX200s @ 130w with a Bonza 0.14 ohm dual coil Flaptons.
Manufacturers description – None available
Sweet Blue Raspberry followed by a slightly burnt sugar, it almost has the mouthfeel/texture of spun sugar but isn’t quite there.
19 day steep
Slight change in mouthfeel. This is the flavour of a Blue Raspberry Cotton Candy, very sweet with a slight sticky and light mouthfeel, the slightly burnt sugar taste gives it the authenticity of Cotton Candy.
Suggested Usage
I’d use an accent at 2%-3%, a background flavour at 3%-5%, a main note at 5%-7%.
Standalone 7%+
This will pair well with fruits, beverage types, candies and may work with some creams.
When using this flavour especially at high % it may cause muting over time due to the high Ethyl Maltol (EM) content
Capella recommend – None available