Butter Pecan - FW Flavour Notes

Butter Pecan

Tested @5%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine

Tested on a RX200s with a Bonza 0.14 ohm dual coil Flaptons @ 130w.

Manufacturers Description “Smooth and creamy butter pecans flavor delights your treats. Butter pecan flavor offers a distinct rich aroma and a delicious taste in your favorite treats.”

Specific gravity 1.05

1 Day Steep

Very buttery flavour followed by a pleasant roasted Pecan, the butter element prevents this from becoming a dry vape

8 Day steep

The pecan has now come forward more with the butter sitting nicely in the background throughout the vape, there is a slight ‘saltiness’ to the butter, there is a slight dry quality to the vape although not overly dry.

22 Day steep

There has been an increase in strength but the overall profile remains unchanged.

30 Day Steep

No change.

Suggested Usage

I’d use this 1%-2% as an accent, 2%-4% as a background flavour, 6%-6% as the main note. If you wanted this as a standalone flavour I’d suggest 6%-10%.

Use with Creams, Custards, Bakery, other nuts, Chocolates and Cakes, this may also work with some tobaccos especially Dessert types.

FW Recommend - 15%-20%


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