Cantaloupe - FLV Flavour Notes


Tested @ 1%, diluted in 70/30 0Nic

Tested on a R200 Bonza dual coil 0.14ohm Flapton @ 100w

Manufacturer’s description – “Sweet and soft melon notes make this a true fruit flavor. Vapes well, with a hearty full flavor that avoids the shrill candy tones of other melon flavors. *May contain naturally occurring diacetyl.”


Sweet melon flavour, this is mainly melon juice at the moment, this is very honeydew melon like to me.

7 day steep

This has increased in strength slightly and has lost some of its initial bright flavour, however it remains more like a juicy honeydew melon

14 day steep

No change

21 day steep

The sweetness has reduced slightly, and it has now gained a slight tartness, this is now tasting more like a cantaloupe to me and has a slightly fleshy mouthfeel, the mint like note has now steeped out.

25 day steep

No change

Suggested usage

I’d use as a main 1%-2%, Background 0.5%-1%, Accent 0.1%-0.5%. Standalone 1.5%-2%.

I’d use with Beverages, Fruits, Creams, Yoghurts, Vanilla, some nuts and herbs and spices.


This is a sweet melon flavour with some juiciness and a little rind, this is slightly darker tasting than a watermelon and is almost Honeydew like. This is a strong flavour at 1% and may take over a mix especially if used with lighter flavours so start low.

Flavorah recommended usage - Start at 1.5%


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