Cookie Dough Ice Cream
Tested @ 10%, diluted in 70/30 0Nic
Tested on a R200 Bonza dual coil 0.14ohm Flapton @ 100w
Chefs Flavours description – “Possibly one of the all-time greats in the ice cream world eh?”
Malty cookie like note with a bright vanilla cream in the background
7 day steep
No change
14 day steep
No change
28 day steep
No change.
Suggested usage
I’d use this as an Accent 3%-4%, Background 4%-6%, and Main 6%-10%. Standalone 10%-15%
While this doesn’t taste like a cookie dough Ice cream to me @ 10%, it does have a bright vanilla cream which would be useful as an accent or background to build a cookie Ice Cream, this is how I would use it, as the cookie is too malty to be an actual dough, the main range may be useful against stronger Ice Creams, in a Cheesecake mix or a Milkshake.
I’d use with Biscuits/Cookies, Doughs, Ice Cream, Cream, Custards, Fruit, Cakes, Dairy, Caramel and nuts
Chefs Flavours recommended usage - Mix between 10%-20% and allow to steep.