Cranberry - CAP Flavour Notes


Tested @5%, diluted in 70/30 0nic

Tested on VV Pulse BF with Dead Rabbit RDA 0.14 Dual Ni80 Fused Clapton

Manufacturers description – None available

1 day steep

Lick - Sweet Cranberry

Vape: Tastes like a Sweet Cranberry, strong flavour.

8 Day Steep

Lick - Very sweet slightly earthy Cranberry.

Vape - A slightly tart realistic Cranberry juice not the full berry, tastes like the Ocean Spray Cranberry push up to 7%-8% for a single flavour.

Suggested usage

In a mix against strong flavours I’d use it 4-5%.

As a background note 2.5%-4%.

As an accent 1%-2.5%.

Due to the strength difference from 24hr to 8 Days this will suffer from some fading in a mix.

Will go well with Apple, Citrus, Cinnamon, Chocolate, Mint, Pear, Mango and anywhere else you'd use a fresh Cranberry juice for Culinary use.

This should Layer well with FLV Cranberry to bring FLV's sweetness down and reduce the Jammy flavour in FLV's.

Retested at 30 Days and slight fading confirmed.

Capella recommend – None available


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