Cream and Cookies
Tested @ 1%, diluted in 70/30 0Nic
Tested on a R200 Bonza dual coil 0.14ohm Flapton @ 100w
Manufacturer’s description – “Cream and cookies is a milky, ice cream with black oreo and white fudge filling. Can be fortified with other dairy flavors or used selectively as a base. This is not a vanilla cream, so it will not wash out other flavors as much with a vanilla note, but rather it will work with other dry cookie, dairy or sweet and frosting flavors”
Slight buttery dairy cream, followed by a cookie like taste, a little light at the moment, this needs a steep
7 day steep
The cream has increased in strength, the cookie taste is at the end of the vape and is still quite light.
14 day steep
The cookie has now increased in strength and taste and has a slight chocolate chip like taste, to me this tastes like a mix of FLV Cream and FLV Cookie
21 day steep
No change
25 day steep
No change
Suggested usage
I’d use as a main 1%-2%, Background 0.5%-1%, Accent 0.25%-0.5%
I’d use with Creams, Bakery, Cereal, Nuts, Chocolate, Vanilla, Coffee, Custard and some fruits.
This would be useful to use in a cream mix at a low % to add a slight malt, used higher you get the full cookie with choc chip notes at 1% this is strong and pleasant only push up to 2% if using with strong flavours
Flavorah recommended usage - Start at 1%