Tested @ 2.5% Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine
Tested on a RX200s with a Bonza 0.14 ohm dual coil Flaptons @ 130w.
Manufacturers Description “A smooth light refreshing cucumber flavour. This flavour creates a
unique taste and a wet type of mouthfeel in e-liquid recipes. Ones that benefit most are beverage,
alcohol, floral, fruit blends and minty menthol styled e-juice recipes that require that dripping wetjuicy green type of taste.”
This tastes slightly sweet at the start with a cucumber flesh like mouthfeel followed by a slight rind note. I also had a hint of a lime like flavour.
6 Day steep
The lime note has gone. This is a full juicy wet feeling cucumber, I get the flesh and a rind like note, the rind is very slightly bitter. At 2.5% this is a full on strong tasting concentrate that also lingers on coils for a while.
12 Day steep
No change
19 Day Steep
No change
Suggested Usage
I’d use this as a main note at 2.5%-4%, Background at 1-2.5, Accent 0.5%-1% and standalone at 4%-7%.
I’d use with Lemonades, fruits, Gin, Mint, some florals like elderflower, this should also be useful to add a ‘green’ note to some fruits and a wetness in fruit mixes.
VTA recommend in a mix:2%-5% - Standalone:5%-9%