Custard - INW Flavour Notes


Tested @ 3%, diluted in 70/30 0Nic

Tested on a R200 Bonza dual coil 0.14ohm Flapton @ 100w

Manufacturers description – No description available


Strong Vanilla with an egg note, this is slightly creamy but needs a longer steep.

7 day steep

The Vanilla has now started to become brighter and is settling into the mix, the egg notes have also decreased slightly and the custard taste has increased in strength

14 day steep

No change

28 day steep

Increase In taste, this is a thick and creamy Vanilla Custard that has a slight egg note, there is also a very slight biscuit like taste in the background.

Suggested usage

I’d use this as an accent 0.25%-1%, Background 1%-2%, Main 2%-3.5%, Standalone 3%-5%

I’d use this as an accent to add a thicker mouthfeel to a mix without effecting the overall taste too much, as a background or main flavour this would to add a thick, slightly eggy and creamy Vanilla custard, I believe the slight biscuit note I get at 3% will be slight enough to cover in a mix but would easily be enhanced by adding another biscuit. I’d only use this above 3% if mixing with strong flavours.

This may be useful as a replacement for CAP Vanilla Custard V1 for those that are unable to vape that particular concentrate, however it would not be a direct 1:1 Sub, I’d sub it out at 3:1 to start and work up, also please note that egg note isn’t as strong as the egg note in CAP VC1.

Will work well with Vanilla, Custard, Bakery, Fruits, Biscuits, some Tobaccos, Creams, nuts and possibly coffee at a lower %.

Note: Like most custards I would expect this to get creamier & thicker over a longer steep, although it is ready to vape quicker than other custards after a relatively short steep.

Inawera recommended usage – 3%

Chefs Flavours recommend1%-8%


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