Docta P - VTA Flavour Notes

Tested @10% Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine

Tested on a R200 with a Bonza 0.17 ohm dual coil Ni80 Flaptons @ 100w.

Manufacturers description – I’m unable to find a description of this concentrate, I believe this isn’t available for sale yet, just as samples.


This tastes like a supermarket brand Generic Cola, there is a hint of another flavour in the background but is too light to identify, this should become more obvious after a steep

7 Day steep

The generic cola taste remains with a bubble-gum like note in the background and a very light almond like flavour, the bubble-gum is very similar to their bubble-gum base

17 Day Steep

No change

28 Day Steep

No change. This is a bright tasting generic supermarket own brand cola mixed with a bubble-gum and a slight hint of Almond. That brightness may be experienced by some as a light effervescence, the generic bright cola flavour is first followed by that slight hint of Almond, with the bubble-gum type flavour providing the background throughout the vape. I’m unsure if this is supposed to be a Dr. Pepper type flavour but to me tastes more like aCola flavoured bubble-gum

Suggested Usage

I’d use this stand alone at 10%-15% a main flavour at 6%-10%, Background 4%-6%, Accent 2%-4%.

As the main flavour in a mix, I’d use with Beverages, Bubble-gum types, Candy additives, Cherry, used as an accent/background and with the addition of another cola this may work with Almond, Light Caramel, Vanilla, wintergreen and herb like concentrates (TFA Horehound), some energy drink type flavours and alcohols.


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