Eucalyptus Mint (SC)
*This flavour was provided by Chefs Flavours
Tested @2%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine
Tested on a R200 with a Bonza 0.14-ohm dual coil Flaptons.
Manufacturers Description “Eucalyptus is known to be one the most innervating and cooling natural herbs there is! Combining eucalyptus with mint creates a uniquely tasty mint flavour that works as a great additive to mixes!”
Light Eucalyptus, more of the warming sensation from eucalyptus than the taste, this is followed by a fresh spearmint.
7 Day Steep
No change
21 Day Steep
No change
28 Day Steep
No change
Suggested Usage
I’d use this 0.5%-1% as an accent, 1%-2% as a background flavour, 2%-3% as the main flavour
If you wanted this stand-alone, I’d suggest start at 3%
I’d use with Fruits, Beverages, candy, Liquorice, Aniseed
The eucalyptus is light and more of a warming sensation than the taste, this is followed by a fresh spearmint, the spearmint isn’t candy like but doesn’t have any green notes either
Wonder Flavours Recommended usage: - 0.5%-2%