Frozen Pineapple Yoghurt - VTA

From the ‘Platinum’ one shot range Tested @ 2%, 4% & 6% Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine

Tested on a RX200s with a Bonza 0.14 ohm dual coil Flaptons @ 130w.

Manufacturers description “ A delicious sweet and slightly sour taste of smooth, creamy, yogurt, with a cool refreshing exhale.” 


Sweet juicy fresh pineapple taste followed by a creamy yoghurt with a very slight tang at the end of the vape, this has a nice creamy and full mouthfeel. No cooling atm.

7 Day steep

The pineapple has reduced in strength slightly and has blended into the yoghurt, the yoghurt has become sweeter at the start, that slight tang is still there at the end.

Still no cooling at this %.

12 Day steep

No change

19 Day Steep

No change. At this % I don’t get any cooling, however mixed higher at 4% and 6% there is a linear progression of flavouring, at 4% there is a very low amount of cooling present, upping to 6% increases the cooling slightly, the cooling isn’t aggressive, there is just the slightest hint of cooling right at the end of the vape, the overall profile remains the same at higher % just an increase in taste.

Suggested Usage

I’d use for a main note 3%-5%, Background 2%-3%, Accent 1%-2% and standalone 5%- 10%.

I’d pair with other yoghurts, creams, Ice Cream and other fruits.

VTA Recommend 4%-6% in a mix and Standalone 6%-12%


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