Island Mango (SC)
Tested @1.5%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine
Tested on a R200 with a Bonza 0.14 ohm dual coil Flaptons @ 100w
Manufacturers Description “Nothing makes you imagine that you’re in a tropical paradise quite like the taste of the sweetest and tangiest mangoes! With this island mango flavour, you’ll absolutely have that thick and sweet syrupy tropical flavour that you get from fresh exotic mangoes!”
Sweet and juicy mango, this is more of a juice than the fruit at the moment
14 Day steep
This has now developed a light tartness at the end of the vape, although this just lends a bit of realism to this without making it a sour mango, the sweetness also remains and is still more of a mango juice than an actual mango
21 Day steep
No change
28 Day steep
No change
Suggested Usage
I’d use this 0.5%-1% as an accent, 1%-1.5% as a background flavour, 1.5%-2.5% as the main note. If you wanted this as a standalone flavour I’d suggest 2.5%-4%.
I’d use with Fruit, Cream, Candy, Ice Cream, Beverages, some florals, Vanilla
This is a sweet and juicy mango, with a moderately thick mouthfeel, this is more like a Mango juice with a little pulp rather than a fresh fruit, this is good enough to stand as the only mango in a mix although will need pairing with another if you wanted a fleshy note as well, this would be good to use as an accent with another dryer mango to add the juice notes the other mango may be missing