Tested @1.5%, diluted in 70/30 0nix
Tested on VV pulse BF Bonza 0.14 dual coil Ni80 Fused Clapton.
Manufacturers description “ Brilliant real fruit mango is highly potent and effective for ripe and sweet mango notes. Try this flavor with yakima hops if your are trying to make it a less-ripe green mango. Goes well with many fruits, especially tropicals.”
1 Day steep
Lick: Strong sweet syrupy Mango.
Vape: Sweet but not overly so, ripe Mango a hint of flesh a little dry and a hint of floral.
8 Day steep
Lick: Strong ripe Mango.
Vape: a nice strong ripe fleshy Mango with a little juice, the floral taste has steeped out, but the dryness is still there at the end of the vape.
15 day steep
No change
Suggested usage
As a main flavour I'd use at 1.25-2% this should also stand up to stronger flavours towards the higher %. As an accent or a background flavour I’d use at 0.25-1% although at the lower range you would only get the slightest hint of Mango.
I’d use with other mango, tropical and other fruits, some tobacco, creams, custards, beverages
Flavorah recommend – None available