Moscato - FLV Flavour Notes


Tested @ 1.4%, diluted in 70/30 0Nic

Tested on a R200 Bonza dual coil 0.14ohm Flapton @ 100w

Manufacturer’s description – “A sweet wine, green grape flavor that is not yeasty like champagne, but has strong fruit bouquets. Can be used in cocktail/wine mixes as well as any recipe that needs that smooth grape flavor to avoid the medicinal taste of so many others out there.”


Sweet floral, to me, grape.

14 day steep

This has a slight wine like dryness to it in the background. The grape is sweet, no change in the usual floral notes I experience from grape.

24 day steep

No change

30 day steep

No change

Suggested usage

I’d use this a main 0.25%-0.5%, Background 0.5%-1%, Accent 0.25%-0.5%. Standalone 3%-4%.

I’d use this with Fruits, Elderflower, Beverages.


This is more of a green/white grape flavour than a darker variety. There are some wine like notes in the background due to the sweetness this is more of a dessert wine, although I get some of the taste of a wine. I don’t get any of the throat hit expected from an alcohol, for those that are able to vape and enjoy grapes this would be a good choice for a green/white variety. I believe the primary use for this would be to add a touch of grape to a fruit mix or beverage.

Flavorah recommended usage - Start at 1%


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