Pecan - TFA Flavour Notes


Tested @1%, 2.5% & 5%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine

Tested on a RX200S with a Bonza 0.14 ohm dual coil Flaptons @ 130w

Manufacturers Description “This is a strong, realistic Pecan flavor”

*** Note: This flavor contains 'custard' ingredients: Acetoin.

1 Day Steep

5%:- Very strong chemical taste.

2.5%:- Very strong chemical taste with a slightly salty generic nut flavour.

1%:- Strong Chemical taste.

10 Day steep

5%:- There is a slightly salty generic nut flavour, the chemical note is still present in the background throughout the vape.

2.5%:- The nut is starting to come out but is overwhelmed by that chemical note

1%:- The start if a very realistic Pecan is starting to come through but that chemical off note is still present and overpowering.

19 Day steep

5%:- the overpowering Chemical note is still present.

2.5%:- The start of a very realistic Pecan flavour although the chemical note is starting to reduce in strength it is still overpowering.

1%:- Very strong and realistic Pecan flavour which is slightly buttery, the chemical notes are still present but vastly reduced these should now get covered in a mix.

39 Day Steep

5%:- The realistic pecan flavour is now present but that chemical note is still present, I believe that 5% is too high for this flavour, with an extended steep of 50 days+ it may reduce enough to be usable.

2.5%:- Very strong realistic pecan with a very slight chemical note, this may still be slightly too high.

1%:- Strong Realistic and slightly buttery Pecan the chemical notes have steeped out.

Pecan Continued

Suggested Usage

I’d use this 0.1%-0.25% as an accent, 0.25%-0.5% as a background flavour, 0.5%-1.25% as the main note. If you wanted this as a standalone flavour I’d suggest 1.25%-2%.

I’d use with Creams, Custards, Chocolate, Bakery and other nuts.

This is a Very strong flavour so use with caution in mixes otherwise it may dominate. Allow for an extended steep time of 30 days +.

TFA recommend – None available


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