Pineapple - Fantasy Flavour Notes


Tested @8%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine

Tested on a VV Pulse with a Bonza 0.14 ohm dual coil Flaptons.

Manufacturers description – None description


Nice juicy Pineapple almost like a fresh fruit at the start of the vape then turning into a canned pineapple with syrup at the end of the Vape with slight cooling, i believe this to be WS3 (Koolada).

5 Day steep

This has now become more like a Canned pineapple rings in syrup no change in cooling.

11 Day steep

No change

19 Day steep

No change

Suggested Usage

I’d use an accent at 3%-5%, a background flavour at 5%-7%, a main note at 7%-10%.

Standalone 10%-15%

Due to the cooling i’d only use this with other fruit flavours and beverage type concentrates

Chefs Flavours recommend – 10%-15%


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