Pineapple - FLV Flavour Notes


Tested @ 1.4%, diluted in 70/30 0Nic

Tested on a R200 Bonza dual coil 0.14ohm Flapton @ 100w

Manufacturer’s description – “This is the bright real fruit pineapple, not the baked Hawaiian pizza pineapple. Crisp notes can lean towards candy based off of some pallets, but the potential for tropical and beverage type notes is there. Vapes well at recommended 2-4% as a standalone. ”


Very strong and needs a steep as there is an odd off note after the initial strong pineapple.

33 day steep

Slight decrease in strength. The odd off note is still there, and this is also fairly dry.

Suggested usage

I’d use as main 1.5%-3%, Background/Accent 0.5%-1.5%.

I’d use with Fruit, Beverage, Cream.


Due to that odd off note and dryness, I would pair this with another pineapple to increase the juiciness and eliminate the dry mouthfeel. I wouldn’t use this as the only or primary pineapple in a mix.

Flavorah recommended usage - Start at 1%


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