Pineapple Juice - VTA Flavour Notes

Pineapple Juice

Tested @3% Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine

Tested on a RX200s with a Bonza 0.14 ohm dual coil Flaptons @ 130w

Manufacturers Description – No description available


Sweet juicy Pineapple, slight bubble-gum like taste in the background, very light flavour

7 Day steep

Slight increase in flavour, this reminds me of a Tropical Juicy fruit bubble-gum.

17 Day steep

No Change.

24 Days

This is now starting to taste more like a Fresh Pineapple Juice although quite a thin flavour, slight Juicy mouthfeel although still quite light, that slight bubble-gum like taste still remains.

31 Days

The profile remains the same although this is still light in flavour.

Suggested Usage

I’d use this 2%-3% as an accent, 3%-4%as a background flavour, 4%-6% as the main note. If you wanted this as a standalone flavour I’d suggest 6%-10%.

I believe that increasing the strength would result in this becoming more of a Pineapple bubble-gum than a fresh pineapple juice. Pair with other Pineapples, Fruits, Candies. May work with some creams however that bubble-gum note may not blend well.

VTA Recommend 1%-5% in a mix and 5%-9% Standalone.


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