Pineapple Lolly
Tested @2%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine
Tested on a Smok R200 @ 100w with a Bonza 0.14 ohm dual coil Flaptons.
Chefs Flavours description "None available"
Sweet and juicy pineapple with a cooling and a hint of cream
7 Day Steep
No change
14 Day Steep
No change
21 Day Steep
No change
28 Day Steep
Slight fading but no change in profile
Suggested Usage
Accent 0.5% - 1.25%, Background 1.25% - 2%, Main 2%-3%.
I'd use with Cream, Fruit, Beverages and Vanilla
This isn’t a straight pineapple there is a little creaminess to this in the background although subtle.
This is primarily a juicy pineapple; the concentrate is sweet with some cooling. I’d mix this with other fruits and creams as well as beverages, as an accent this would give mainly the pineapple, mixed higher some of that creaminess would start to come through, that hint of cream prevents this from becoming a thin concentrate
Chefs Flavours recommended usage Start at 3%