Shisha Blackcurrant
Tested @1% Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine
Tested on a R200 with a Bonza 0.17 ohm dual coil Ni80 Flaptons @ 100w.
Manufacturers description “A smooth rounded flavour that would suit most e-juice recipe requirements. It’s subtle sweet and not overpowering like it’s counterparts in the market place. Easy to work with on a variety of mixes from tobaccos, fruit blends and even creams bakeries and desserts will benefit from this unique flavouring.”
A strong and sweet blackcurrant slightly Juicy, this is like the fresh fruit not a juice.
7 Day steep
Change in profile, this starts off as a strong sweet blackcurrant that is nice and juicy however there is a strong dark grape like taste towards the end of the vape
14 Day steep
No change
22 Day Steep
This is a relatively strong Blackcurrant, more like the berry than a juice, this starts as sweet and juicy with a slight skin hint, it starts as a bright flavour then becomes darker towards the end if the vape, the skin hint and dark flavour towards the end makes this taste like a dark grape to me.
Suggested Usage
I’d use this as a main note at 1%-1.5%, Background 0.5%-1%, Accent 0.1%-0.5%.
This will mix well with other dark berries, Fruits, Creams, Candy, Beverage, Tobacco, Some spices, Bakery and Vanilla.
VTA Recommend 2%-5% in a mix no standalone % recommended