Tested @2% Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine
Tested on a R200 with a Bonza 0.17 ohm dual coil Ni80 Flaptons @ 100w.
Manufacturers description “ A unique base flavour that simulates the sorbet effect in both flavour and texture to e-liquid recipes. Creating sorbet is made easy, simply by add this to almost any fruit to create the sorbet effect. This flavour is specifically designed for the novice mixer looking at moving toward a specific profiling flavour to accelerate recipe creation. Note: USA customers, this flavour would be considered a Sherbet base. Australian / UK customers, this is not a sherbet with an effervescent effect”
Juicy Watermelon and fresh mint.
7 Day steep
No change
14 Day steep
No change, this starts off with a watermelon like taste followed by a strong mint, I believe that used in low % as an additive, this may provide a sorbet like taste by adding some juiciness and a wet feeling with the mint providing a subtle cooling sensation used higher this may be useful for adding some depth to watermelon mixes if you actually want a mint taste in there.
22 Day Steep
No change.
Suggested Usage
I’d use as a main flavour 1%-3%, Background 0.25%-1%, Accent 0.1%-0.25%.
I’d use with watermelons, fruits, mints. I’d advise to use low as this may impart a sorbet like taste to your mixes
VTA Recommend 1%-4%