Tested @ 1%, diluted in 70/30 0Nic
Tested on a R200 Bonza dual coil 0.14ohm Flapton @ 100w
Manufacturer’s description – “Great dough and waffle notes hit up front in the mouth. Think of a Belgian waffle without berries or whipped cream, but those can be added.”
At the moment this just tastes like one big off note that reminds me of Cream of mushroom soup
7 day steep
No change
14 day steep
No change
33 day steep
No change
Suggested usage
Unfortunately, this flavour isn’t suited to my palate so due to that strong Cream of mushroom soup like off note I taste, I am unable to advise on a usage for this. The off note is so strong I believe that I would get this no matter how low this was mixed.
Flavorah recommended usage - Start at 0.1%