WF (SC) White Chocolate (Milky Cream) - Wonder Flavours (WF) Flavour Notes

WF (SC) White Chocolate (Milky Cream)

Tested @1%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine

Tested on a R200 with a Bonza 0.14-ohm dual coil Flaptons.

Manufacturers Description – Not available


Dairy cream that is lightly milky followed by notes of white chocolate and a light vanilla, this has a very slight waxiness that may reduce with a steep

7 Day Steep

No change

14 Day Steep

The white chocolate has picked up in strength and is now coming through, this has a very slightly waxy mouthfeel however this alleviated by the creamy background, this leans towards a more authentic white chocolate.

21 Day Steep

No change

28 Day Steep

No change

Suggested Usage

I’d use this as an accent 0.75%-1.25%, Background 1.25%-2%, Main 2%-3%

I’d use this with Fruit, Cream, Caramel, Custard, Butterscotch, Coffee, Vanilla, Nuts and some florals like Violet


To me this is more of a cream with a white chocolate note, this is smooth with a very slight waxiness that will get covered in a mix. The cream is a medium thick vanilla dairy cream, the white chocolate note to this is pretty authentic and sweet, use wherever you want a creamy white chocolate although the white chocolate note may need a little help from another white chocolate flavour.

Wonder Flavours Recommended usage: - 1%-4%


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