Tested @ 1%, diluted in 70/30 0Nic
Tested on a R200 Bonza dual coil 0.14ohm Flapton @ 100w
Manufacturer’s description – “Bright and floral elderflower is aromatic and brilliant for its liqueur like notes. Similar to St. Germaine and floral aperitif flavors, this one vapes very strong.”
Heavily floral but not unpleasant, at the moment this % would be enough as a standalone flavour.
This has an almost jelly like mouthfeel to it.
7 day steep
No change.
14 day steep
No change
21 day steep
No change
27 day steep
No change
Suggested usage
I’d use as a main 0.5%-1%, Background /Accent 0.1%-0.5%. Standalone 1%
I’d use this with other Florals, Cream, Fruits, Teas, Chocolate, Beverages and Candy.
This is a good Elderflower and very strong, due to the jelly/syrup like mouthfeel I’d liken this more to an Elderflower syrup/jelly than the fresh flowers. This would work well in Cocktails and Lemonade types and will also mix well with other florals used low. This is a strong concentrate so caution advised when mixing as it could easily overpower a mix.
Flavorah recommended usage - Start at 0.25%