Frosting - FLV Flavour Notes


Tested @ 1%, diluted in 70/30 0Nic

Tested on a R200 Bonza dual coil 0.14ohm Flapton @ 100w

Manufacturer’s description – “Can there be a better, smoother way to flavor white rings of PG-VG vapor than FLV Frosting? White vanilla with sweet mellow edges. Lick your finger clean, but no that’s e-juice… Frosting flavored like a dream. Puff, you magic dragon.”


Strong dark vanilla bean followed by a butter cream frosting taste

7 day steep

No change

14 day steep

The vanilla has now settled down, this is a sweet vanilla followed by a buttercream frosting that is sweet and has a slight grainy and buttery mouthfeel

21 day steep

No change

27 day steep

No change

Suggested usage

I’d use as a main flavour 1.5%-2.5%, Background 1%-.1.5%, Accent 0.25%-0.5%

I’d use with Custards, Creams, Bakery, Nuts, Candy, Fruit.


This is a sweet buttercream frosting with a slightly grainy mouthfeel, this would work as part of a cake mix as the topping or to add a little depth and sweetness to a custard. When using in a mix bear in mind that this already has vanilla in.

Flavorah recommended usage – Start at 0.25%


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